Yay Eddie & Millicent, way to go!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Yay Eddie & Millicent, way to go!
Friday, September 28, 2007
They are finally feeding me real food!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Two babies are a cinch!
Aaron had to work late so I knew I would be on my own. What's the big deal, it's only TWO babies....
The evening started out great, Lola was fussy but she always is this time of the night. I put the babies on the floor so they could play together, I figured they would love looking at each other since they are boyfriend & girlfriend! Nope, they just wanted to shove toys in their mouth. Lola ended up taking a nap which gave me a chance to spend some quality time with Rowan. Just like Lola he was fascinated with Bruce! His parents warned me that this was his fussy time, yeah right... Lola had him beat in that department.
This was way too easy, one happy baby and one sleeping baby!
When Lola woke up from her nap I put Rowan in the bouncy seat to play. I was starting to feel very confident in my babysitting skills and since Rowan was totally into the bouncy I decided to drag him (bouncy & all) into the bathroom so he could play while I gave Lola her bath.
Easy stuff.
And then it happened.
I got Lola out of the bath, wrapped her in her towel and put her down to get her jammies on when Rowan decided he wasn't happy anymore.... Lola heard his cries and decided to join in!
One crying baby and one naked crying baby!
I put Rowen in the swing, gave him his paci, got Lola in her jammies and just started feeding her when Rowan's Mom & Dad arrived! I only had to listen to two babies cry for about 3 minutes.... 3 minutes too long! Those kids...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Amy should definitely be a Mom

In other news Lola had her monthly weigh in today, she is currently tipping the scales at 13 lbs 3 oz! What a fatty...
Great Grandma Very Impressed
I finally got to meet my Great Grandma Yates today! She thought I was absolutely adorable! (I think the big pink bow was a hit) I told Gram all about DaDaDaDa.... I had a little meltdown just before lunch arrived but Mom was able to calm me down pretty quick. The nice man at the table next to us complimented Mom on how well she handled my behavior...
As you can see in the photo below Justin is very comfortable around babies!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
"There is nothing cuter than a kitten!"

Then I had a baby, a really cute baby!
It's difficult to choose, I mean kittens are so frikin cute it's almost sickening! And you will rarely ever see an ugly kitten, there's probably one ugly kitten to every 100,000 ugly babies.
Well I've eaten my words again (something I've done a handful of times now that I am a Mom) and discovered that there is something cuter than a kitten and it's.....
...a baby dressed up as a kitten!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
School is awesome!
(apparently I have long legs)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Today I met Handsome Joe & Finn!

He is 4 months older than I am and he showed me all kinds of fun things to do like clapping hands! I was very impressed with Finn and I was very impressed with Handsome Joe's muscles! I hope my boyfriend Rowan isn't jealous when he sees these photos...

Finn showing me how to clap my hands
Monday, September 10, 2007
A Message from my Mom

So the critics say Britney's new single is terrible and her performance on last nights MTV Video Music Awards was a bomb, I'll give them that (I could get used to the song) but I will not agree with everyone who says she's "fat"... really! Aside from the fake hair she looked good last night! And she looks excellent after having two babies! Sure, she's a train wreck most of the time and her parenting skills are to be questioned but fat? I give her credit getting up there on a live stage in front of millions knowing her every move would be scrutinized by the media (and several dudes I work with).
Now this, this is FAT!

Come on Britney, there's a handful of us out here in your corner! Put out the cigarettes, quit drinking Mt. Dew and read to your children! Get your life back on track! We want another TOXIC hit!

And finally I waited up really late so I could watch the Britney Spears comeback performance on the MTV Video Music Awards and I fell asleep right before it started! Mommy & Daddy watched it! Daddy is not impressed and Mommy says she looked good but had no comment on the song and the dance moves. Since I'm computer savvy I'll watch it on you tube later.
Friday, September 7, 2007
We're learning to blog!
In an effort to save a few bucks a month my parents have decided to blog instead of using baby jellybeans, and why not, blogging is free! For those of you that follow our baby jellybeans page it will still be up for another month or so but my Mom isn't going to do any updating there. If you want to check it out while it's still up and running go to www.babyjellybeans.com and type in my first & last name.

In other news I'm starting to enjoy tummy time and may attempt to roll over soon. I've recently mastered saying "DaDaDaDa" and I love to watch my dog Bruce chase the tennis ball!
Check back as we will be posting our exciting family news right here!
Enjoy! Lola
In other news I'm starting to enjoy tummy time and may attempt to roll over soon. I've recently mastered saying "DaDaDaDa" and I love to watch my dog Bruce chase the tennis ball!
Check back as we will be posting our exciting family news right here!
Enjoy! Lola
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