Aaron had to work late so I knew I would be on my own. What's the big deal, it's only TWO babies....
The evening started out great, Lola was fussy but she always is this time of the night. I put the babies on the floor so they could play together, I figured they would love looking at each other since they are boyfriend & girlfriend! Nope, they just wanted to shove toys in their mouth. Lola ended up taking a nap which gave me a chance to spend some quality time with Rowan. Just like Lola he was fascinated with Bruce! His parents warned me that this was his fussy time, yeah right... Lola had him beat in that department.
This was way too easy, one happy baby and one sleeping baby!
When Lola woke up from her nap I put Rowan in the bouncy seat to play. I was starting to feel very confident in my babysitting skills and since Rowan was totally into the bouncy I decided to drag him (bouncy & all) into the bathroom so he could play while I gave Lola her bath.
Easy stuff.
And then it happened.
I got Lola out of the bath, wrapped her in her towel and put her down to get her jammies on when Rowan decided he wasn't happy anymore.... Lola heard his cries and decided to join in!
One crying baby and one naked crying baby!
I put Rowen in the swing, gave him his paci, got Lola in her jammies and just started feeding her when Rowan's Mom & Dad arrived! I only had to listen to two babies cry for about 3 minutes.... 3 minutes too long! Those kids...
Wow, that was fast getting that photo up. Lola looks so fresh in her citrus-themed outfit. And you can really see Rowan's "hair" in this photo. You did a great job babysitting - thanks, Emilee!
They are just the cutest!!
Imagine having twins...or...two babies just a year apart..
It sounds like you're a pro! I'm sure you could handle two babies on a regular basis. I'm sure Jeff and Angela appreciated you giving them the night off. They'll just have to reciprocate.
sure makes you wonder how people handle life with twins!!!! especially my grandma, alice...4 kids then pregnant with her 5th...wait, nope, make that her 5th AND 6th, twins! i especially love the blanket in this pic of rowan and lola (wink - yes, i handmade that for lola before she was born!) toot-toot (that's me tooting my own horn) :)
So, does that mean we should be expecting another one from you soon since it was sooo easy?!
Your a great sitter - sure wished you lived closer to me! I'm always looking for a good sitter!
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