So the critics say Britney's new single is terrible and her performance on last nights MTV Video Music Awards was a bomb, I'll give them that (I could get used to the song) but I will not agree with everyone who says she's "fat"... really! Aside from the fake hair she looked good last night! And she looks excellent after having two babies! Sure, she's a train wreck most of the time and her parenting skills are to be questioned but fat? I give her credit getting up there on a live stage in front of millions knowing her every move would be scrutinized by the media (and several dudes I work with).
Now this, this is FAT!

Come on Britney, there's a handful of us out here in your corner! Put out the cigarettes, quit drinking Mt. Dew and read to your children! Get your life back on track! We want another TOXIC hit!
I agree with you ( somewhat) I could only hope to have a body like hers and to be called "fat" is ridiculous.
Sure she's been in better shape but I'm trying to figure out why anyone cares! Too much good music out there to be bothered with her...
Now that lean mean body of Lola is another story!!:)
I agree that though she might not have had a rock-star-thin body, she was FAR from fat, dammit!
My issue with the performance was her total lack of enthusiasm - she seemed to just be going thru the motions and her eyes were totally dead.
Okay. Here's my two cents worth... for someone on stage in a bra and underwear she's fat... she new what her tummy looked like when she turns to the side so she could've picked something a little more flattering... is she fat compared to us normal people no.
She's still a skank.
We just got done watching the whole show, and Alicia Keys blew everyone away. Now there's a girl who has some serious junk in the trunk (I feel you, Alicia), but she was dressed appropriately and put on quite a show. No lip-synching, lots of energy, and really got the crowd into it. Brit Brit could learn a thing or two!
Did Kid Rock & Tommy Lee get into their fight during Alicia Keys performance? Can you see any of that on TEVO?
I completely agree! While I haven't seen her performance yet (I've got it on TiVo) I have seen some of the pictures. By no means is she FAT! I wish I looked like that. People are just way too critical. So, she doesn't look like skin and bones. She looks healthy. I think the critics think everyone should be anorexic!
So, I finally saw Britney's performance just now. I didn't think it was bad but it certainly wasn't exceptional. She definitely looked a little rusty and had no enthusiasm. I hope she breaks out of her funk soon. Poor thing.
did britney respond to you yet?
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