Aaron was quite a trooper today as he shuffled himself into th urology office. And by shuffled I mean tripping over his own feet shuffled. He was pretty frickin loopy on the drugs they gave him to take 1 hour prior to the procedure. I'm sure it was because of those drugs that he agreed to have the above photo taken where he's looking especially awesome. Everything went well. The procedure didn't even take 20 minutes. The urologist said "Wow, you have huge vas deferens" yeah ladies, you heard that, huge vas deferens! He felt a little tugging but no pain. On the way home (with a bag of frozen peas on his privates) he said he felt totally normal, like nothing even happened. He's currently passed out snoring on the couch behind me. I'm not sure how long the loopy drugs will stay in his system but for now he's fine and resting. We will see what tomorrow brings.
So long little swimmers, your job here is done.