Thes photos have not been doctored. I assure you this is the real thing.
Brace yourself for what you are about to see.
AARON snuggling with a kitty! WHAT! This is crazy, I must be dreaming.

Not only are they snuggling but he has covered the kitty with his sweatshirt as if to say "little Gabbi you must be cold, I'll share my sweatshirt with you because I love you!" Could it be true? Could Aaron love a kitty?
Gabbi is getting along quite well. She and Runner have some fun running around playing in the middle of the night and resting up during the day.

Bruce and Gabbi are still working on their friendship. He gets a little nervous because she will test the water with him by walking up to him and batting her paw on his nose. As long as he doesn't move they are fine but if he moves his face she jumps up and hisses. Crazy was to get to know him Gabbi.
Pretty soon they will be BFFs!

Aaron is such a snuggly wuggly wovie bearsy wearsy boy!! He secretly spoons with the kitten when you're not looking! What a great guy!
FYI - Wovie means Lovey Dovey :-)
Obviously my wife has serious issues....
Well, we always knew Aaron was a big softie. But maybe not THIS soft.
Although, then again, my dad always had mean things to say about cats, and you can see how they wormed their way into his heart. Maybe men just can't resist a kitten's charms!
I saw hints of this "love" for kitties when Estelle and Scarlet visited. How can you resist a kitty?
Gabi is super cute and I can't wait to meet her.
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