Friday, October 10, 2008

musical Lola

Lola has been practicing her musical skills these past few weeks. She's all about the awesome sounds of the recorder. She totally freakin rocks the house out! And since the recorder happens to be the only instrument in our house so she's gotten really good at it.
She enjoys playing other instruments when we are visiting our friends.

It's pretty clear she will have a career in music.
Enjoy the concerts.


Lola's gigi said...

I'm sure a musical scholarship is in her future!!!

Julie said...

Wow, Lola ... you are really good! We are missing you here in FL. Celia is going to try a sleepover at your Gigi's tonight. We'll see how it goes!

Lola's gigi said...

The sleepover started out great, at about midnight things changed and Celia decided she wanted to go back with her mom and MiMi....but she was back at 8AM.

Jen and Justin said...

justin would be so know he is a drummer :) well used to be anyway!