We picked up a little kitty from our vet today. We're having a "trial run" to see how this kitty gets along with Lola & Bruce. So far so good. She's not sure of Lola and that could be because at their first meeting Lola decided to act like a complete lunatic by screaming (happy screaming) and stomping her feet for the kitty (who quickly found a hiding spot under the couch). Once Lola was contained in her high chair the kitty had a chance to explore. She is currently in the family room napping. She and Bruce have yet to get nose to nose but they have met and I think by tomorrow the kitty will stop hissing. Bruce is interested but isn't getting to close. I think he knows kitty has claws. I am sure they will become fast friends. Runner could care less. Whatever.
So as of right now I'd say chances are kitty is staying. Aaron wants to name her. I of course already had the name Lorelei Lee picked out but he said no. Oh an BTW when I got home today the kitten was sitting on Aaron's lap as he was playing a video game. What? Seriously. when I approached him about getting a kitten his response was as follows "do what you want, you will anyway" FINALLY he's learning!
Happy Wife = Happy Life
I'll take your name suggestions in the comments section. If we pick your name you'll get a prize but I don't know what it will be. OK, we'll take name suggestions and prize suggestions. Keep in mind that I prefer people names for pets. (He also nixed Nancy Drew Kitty so don't suggest that)

super cute kitty. I can't wait to meet her. Estelle, Scarlet, Fauna and Chauncey send their love.
Keelie ( promounce key lee)
My suggestions.
I have a theme for my name suggestions ... what else, but the Patty Duke Show!
Patty or Cathy ... the twin cousin names
Suzette ... Cathy adores crepes Suzette
Natalie ... Patty's mother
BTW, did you remember their last name was Lane? I didn't! I guess there's another suggestion ... Laney!
Super cute...we adopted a little kitty too named him Gizmo....how about Paris :) Cali :) or Diva???? Just playing along:)
How about Whiskers or Patches?
Just kidding.
CUTE photos!!!
If Angela decides not to use my suggestion and name her baby Encyclopedia Brown, feel free to take that suggestion!
I like the "Paris" suggestion...
Where is the kitty sleeping??
cute cute kitty -- Emma thinks
would be super kitty names.
i think cali would be a good name for this cute little kitty
What about Barbie? But Paris is pretty hot too.
Cute photos!
Very Cute,
You could name the kitty
"Calico Cat", that way it won't be confused with my two new kitties, the "Gray One", or the "Black and White One"
Oh Emilee it looks like my names are winning (Paris and Cali) so should I come up with my prize:) Make sure you let us know what you go with!!!!
My names are:
Olivia Newton John
Janet (if you're nasty)
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