Aaron was quite a trooper today as he shuffled himself into th urology office. And by shuffled I mean tripping over his own feet shuffled. He was pretty frickin loopy on the drugs they gave him to take 1 hour prior to the procedure. I'm sure it was because of those drugs that he agreed to have the above photo taken where he's looking especially awesome. Everything went well. The procedure didn't even take 20 minutes. The urologist said "Wow, you have huge vas deferens" yeah ladies, you heard that, huge vas deferens! He felt a little tugging but no pain. On the way home (with a bag of frozen peas on his privates) he said he felt totally normal, like nothing even happened. He's currently passed out snoring on the couch behind me. I'm not sure how long the loopy drugs will stay in his system but for now he's fine and resting. We will see what tomorrow brings.
So long little swimmers, your job here is done.

What's that a picture of in the background?
It's a penis poster, don't you have that same poster hanging up in your house?
No more Lolas?! Oh nooo.
REVERSE! REVERSE! REVERSE! I want more little baby Brown's running around! Boo Hoo!
God, I can't believe how SELFISH you are, not providing a BFF for Tiberia and going through pregnancy with me again!
Because as you know, you having babies is all about ME! ;)
Could you be ANY funnier?
I'm dying here with tears streaming down my face!
I am so going to make my hubby read this entry!
So do you think he'll still mark his territory when you go on walks together??
i'm not sure how i got to your blog since i don't know you but.... are you serious? does your husband truly appreciate you sharing such a private thing with the world? too much information, lady!!!!!!!!
Dear "Anonymous",
As editor in chief of LOLApalooza all post approvals go through me. Nothing, and I mean nothing, gets posted without my final approval.
Let me reassure you that I do truly appreciate my wife and all of the fun we have with our family blog.
Instead of getting your panties all in a bunch relax. A vasectomy isn't anything to bust your balls about. In fact a vasectomy is a popular and safe method to prevent conception. In general satisfaction rates are high, with 95% plus of men glad they did it, and men often report that their sex lives are better due to having no worries about pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. It is estimated that annually 500,000 men in the USA undergo the procedure, and about 12% of the male population between 18 and 65 years of age have had a vasectomy.
I don't consider this a private procedure that needs to be kept under wraps. If the world wants to read about my vasectomy I don't have any issues with that.
Thank you for your concern for my privacy. And just a heads up, the next time you want to be "anonymous" don't leave a comment on a blog that has a tracker.
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