I had my first parent teacher conference since Lola has been in the toddler room.
This is what I learned:
*Lola has excellent verbal communication
*She is a leader
*She uses the potty every 2 hours
*She likes to take toys from her friends
*She is a good eater
*She loves to sing & dance
*She refuses to help during clean up time
Ms. Debbie followed it up by telling me that Lola is a pleasure to have in class and that she always uses her manners. I was very pleased to hear that since we work on manners all the time at home. One thing we don't work on at home is clean up. I do it. ALL of it. I guess it's about time I make her help out around here. I'll train her on kitty litter first and then laundry.
In other Lola news: we've been working on potty training. She is out of her diaper on weekends and after school. She has only had 2 accidents so far and that's when her friend Aila was over playing. Apparently they get distracted and forget they aren't wearing diapers. Who knew? For now Lola is still content wearing diapers to school although she does use the potty there. Her teacher told me this afternoon that Lola didn't wet her morning diaper until after nap time because she used the potty at school all morning! yay Lola! I think we'll give it a little more training time at home before sending her to school, where she is easily distracted, in big girl pants.