Monday, August 10, 2009

5 pounds of silly putty

So you want to know what 5 lbs. of silly putty looks like?

Don't all Grumpas have 5 lbs. of silly putty at their house?
Some people might ask their Dad why they would spend money shipping 5 lbs. of silly putty to their house. I don't ask. Ever.


Josie said...

You could cover the WHOLE newspaper with that baby!

The Daily Squink said...

Well, duh, just observe the look on Aaron's face. THAT'S why you pay to ship 5 lbs. of Silly Putty to your house!

(Funny, I would have thought it would be bigger.)

Lola's Grumpa said...

The reason I bought 5 lbs of silly putty is because I couldn't buy 3 lbs. of silly putty.

The Daily Squink said...

Grumpa, that makes TOTAL sense.
