1. To bring up out of the earth; dig up.

I spent last weekend cleaning up the yard. We have plenty of yard work to do to last the next forever. After Aaron and Ian picked up a truck load of mulch for me I started working in the little garden on the side of the house. I got it all cleaned up and mulched. I then moved to the back of the house. As I was cleaning up the stone outside the back door I realized this stone isn't the only one so I kept on going. Soon enough I discovered I was digging up a little stone path! Of course I'm so excited thinking it's going to lead to great things I've not yet discovered in my yard! Like there's some undiscovered building out there, duh Emilee... I'm hoping for at least a little stone patio but no luck. We ended up with a super cute path to the carriage house as well as a path to the old water pump. Aaron took the kids to Aila's 3rd birthday party that day so when they got home they were just as excited to see this awesome little pathway! Yay!
In Lola news she has transitioned into the PRE-TODDLER room. Hello, a pre-toddler! How did this happen so fast? She is doing really well in her new room and her new teachers seem great! So far so good! I'm happy it's going so well.
She is walking all over the place and attempting to run. She hasn't
mastered walking so I think she's jumping the gun by attempting this running business but apparently she's in a hurry. Here she is strutting her stuff in the backyard.
Nice bathing suit Lola. Too bad the diapers make her look so crotchy. (sshhh... I haven't told her. When she asks "Mom do these diapers make me look crotchy?" I say "No Lola, you look great!")
She's had a couple busy days visiting with her friends.
Someone has some sharing issues. Rowan came over for a nice visit and soon realized his friend Lola was a little on the demanding side. Apparently if Rowan was going to sit on her green chair then she was going to sit on it regardless if he was on it or not:
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