I got my school photos back yesterday. Mom wanted to buy the entire package but Brody's Mom was there to keep my Mother in line. Brody's Mom is all about scanning and making copies.... whatever Mrs. Vanderwoude.

Speaking of Brody's Mom I don't think we've mentioned the great news, Brody is going to be a big brother! Just like Ian is a big brother! yay Brody! Since his Daddy is off on business Mom got to go with Mrs. Vanderwoude for her 8 week check up. She took this cool video of the little heart beat.
Congratulations Brody & family!
Your school pictures turned out great! I think you were laughing at my mom and your mom making funny faces at you so you'd smile. They act so silly sometimes! When are they going to let us take our own school pictures? They're always the ONLY mom's who show up! We're over a year old now - sheese. Thanks for posting my sibling's heartbeat - it'll sure be cool to have a little baby brother or sister.
See you tomorrow - Brody
CONGRATULATIONS to Brody and family..
The baby has a heartbeat already? I guess I don't remember from when Rowan was a fetus... Jackie, I hope you're feeling well!
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