Congratulations to Joe & Melissa who welcomed their first baby yesterday morning at 8:41.
It's true that time does fly!
Below Lola demonstrates to the new dad what he has to look forward to. She says "Check me out Lt Beck, now that I'm one I can do all sorts of things. I'm so cool!"
Even though Lola hasn't met Sam yet (she stayed in the waiting room with Katie - THANKS KATIE for entertaining Lola at the water fountain!) she has something to say about the new baby, we're just not sure what it is.
Congratulations to Joe & Melissa..I hope I get to meet Sam next month, he is so cute.
Also, I love the "Tribute to Charlie" on thier blog.
Love, Mom
Thanks for stopping by to see Sam. He liked the company. Also thanks for taking the picture of Lola and I. I truly enjoy looking at the hand growing from my crotch.
OH congrats to the Becks! YEAH!!
Wow, Lola is surrounded by boyfriends!
I think Lola is saying tickle tickle tickle - LOL!
Whatever it is - she totally cracked herself up!
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