Lola attended Brody's first birthday party this afternoon and was the only child undressed. I dubbed her
The Wal-Mart Baby. Lola showed up to the party in the appropriate attire however took playing at the water table to a new level when she decided to climb right in soaking her pretty party dress. I, of course, was mortified at her behavior! She ended up borrowing a water diaper from Brody and spending the day between the baby pool and the water table. Lola was the only baby who took advantage of the baby pool, apparently all the other children in attendance thought the girl who got into the water table was a nut and kept their distance.
Poor Brody wasn't feeling the party spirit today. He woke up at 2am with a temperature of 103. He was asleep when we arrived. He did make a birthday appearance but I could tell he just wasn't feeling that great. This is not the way to ring in your first year. We hope you feel better soon Brody! And Happy FIRST Birthday!
here to enjoy the party photos.
Rowan's sorry he had to leave so early at the party, but he was seriously beat, and went to sleep as soon as he got home. It looks like Lola had enough fun for the both of them, though!
This is the Lola equivalent of Rowan's unsnapped onesie.
This is far worse then an unsnapped onesie.
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