Not only do we have a great network of friends but we regularly dump our kids off at each others houses mainly for date nights. It works out nicely for everyone involved.
Last month Sam came over for a visit while his parents went to see Avatar (so they say). Sam immediately became fixated with our ceiling fans at which point he pointed & grunted until we turned them all on. Later that day Angela and I tried to trick him by turning them off. He noticed and we got a good laugh.
Some things other than the ceiling fans that Sam enjoyed while visiting:
* Ian
* Ian's cars
* Ian's light saber
* Hitting Ian with the light saber
Sam also loved Lola's baby doll (you read that right Joe). Pushing the baby in the stroller was great fun for him. I think he is ready to be a big brother.

Our most recent baby-sitting gig was with the regulars. Rowan and Lydia. When they come over they go to bed here because their parents know how to party and by party I mean PARTY!
Rowan is always a perfect little gentleman and follows instructions very nicely. Something I'm not used to with a toddler. His mother claims he dislikes having his teeth brushed, I disagree as I had no problems helping him brush. When I say "time for bed" he walks to the stairs and waits while I chase Lola as she screams "NO". He then proceeds to lay down and go to bed without making a sound. Aside from not wanting to hug Lola upon her demand he is a perfect kid.
And then there's little Lydia, always smiling even with a cold. She is an easy baby!