In case you missed my live tweets to the right Lola went to the dentist today. This was her first cleaning therefore it was properly documented with tweets, blogging, baby book updates & videos. She started off great and warmed right up to the dental hygienist. She chose to watch a Disney Princess Party DVD and picked out some Ariel sunglasses. The mood changed once Dr. Jackson showed up. She did tell him that she was 2 and that she would be 3 on her next birthday. She also told him that she was having a pink birthday party but once he leaned that chair back her bottom lip started doing that thing it does. The tears started and she asked me to hold her. I did and during that time the dentist was able to count her teeth. After about 2 minutes she decided that she could sit in the chair. After that everything went smoothly and she is proud of her smile!
Lola would like to thank her friends Sam & Rowan for recommending Dr. Jackson. Not sure which one of you will get the thanks for the new business gift.
Unfortunately the settings we not right when I took this video.
Good Job Lola!!!
Umm, obviously WE should get the gift, because the Becks already got one!
I Love it.
Love, Emma
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