Thursday, July 3, 2008

no time for blogging

We've decided to keep Mom pretty busy while she's in town, work work work. I'm cracking the whip! Which unfortunately means I have very little time to bog since I'm the one that has to crack that whip. Once all painting is complete (we begin Lola's room tonight) I'll be back in the swing of things. Rest assured I will be twittering.
Until then enjoy this photo of my little Lily Tomlin look alike.
And Happy 30th Birthday to Aaron! Lola has decided to celebrate your birthday by going out and getting hand, foot & mouth disease. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

P.S. The orange you see in the above photo is the first coat and is over yellow, it looks crazy bright. Second coat did wonders. More photos to follow.


Holli said...

So - are we redoing rooms in the house? I know you talked about makeing the downstairs your bedroom. I can't wait to see it when it's all done - you have great taste and I'm sure it will be Emilee perfect!! LOVE YA!

Holli said...

I really should proof-read!

Julie said...


Jeff said...

The orange looks especially good with that colonial blue trim.

Jeff said...

Why is there a severed human head on that bookshelf?