Lola's first ever art show was yesterday at school. The kids and teachers have been working so hard on this for a couple of months now. In prep for the art show the kids have also been learning about famous artists, different types of media and even a little art history thrown in the mix. Lola told us that Vincent Van Gogh is her favorite artist because "he uses short strokes". I couldn't find it in myself to tell her that he was bat shit crazy and cut off his own ear. I'll save that for later.
Unfortunately I was home sick yesterday with stupid strep throat and didn't make it to the art show but Lola's Daddy went and took the camera capturing all of these wonderful photos. Lola took her Daddy to see all of her different pieces and told him all about each one. The above piece is a classroom project, the kids all worked together to make this fabulous sculpture out of recycled items.

Aaron was quite impressed with this rose that Lola made out of clay. The assignment was to make a rose and she did great!
Aw, how sweet is this?!

Lola and her friend show off another classroom project, a house that everyone took part in building. The teacher said that the blue cloth above one of the rooms was Lola's idea.

When I was looking at these photos I asked Lola what this is a painting of and she said "It's called splatter paint just like Jackson Pollock" (I had to google that since I wasn't familiar with Jackson Pollock, maybe I should go back to pre-school)

And finally we see Lola's painting that she calls "the makeup store" where she "used short strokes like Vincent Van Gogh"
We are so proud of our sweet little Lola! And by the looks of the photos Lola is pretty proud as well! Good Job baby girl!!!
Amazing job, Lola!! That is sooo great and what a smart girl! Hope you're feeling better, Prima!
O. M. G. You didn't know who Jackson Pollock was?! Maybe Lola needs to have an artist/neighbor take her under her wing, haha! Her Van Gogh looks pretty good to me!
I love this post - it's sooooo cool!! bummer about your strep emilee i think you need to be studied at the NIH for all your ENT issues!
I Love it
That girl never ceases to amaze
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