Lola had her best day ever Christmas morning when she opened the Baby Alive doll that she wanted so badly. She talked about this doll for months leading up to Christmas. I definitely see the appeal as I would have loved a doll like this when I was a kid. It laughs, cries, eats, burps, AND goes potty in a diaper! The potty in the diaper is Lola's favorite part, this kid is all about changing diapers. The unfortunate thing is that we have to buy special food & diapers for this doll. Diapers that cost about a dollar each. I'm working on an alternative plan to take care of that. Maybe plastic diapers? IDK. Baby Alive is a little bit of work on my part, it's not an easy toy to have around. I imagine that she would get a little crusty and gross if not properly cleaned so after each meal and changing I strip the doll down and flush her out with water. I try not to let Lola see me do this because I put the dolls mouth directly on the faucet. Water in one end and immediately out the other.
Anyway, Lola LOVES her new doll. We asked her what she was going to name her new baby and she said "her name is Baby Alive" and that is that.
I was wondering if Dopey Dopey had relayed the message! Hooray for Lola!
PS. That is a nasty looking diaper!!
Was she as happy with Baby Alive as you were with Jessica?
Can you please send Lola over to our house? Maya (and I) would love her help with feeding and esp. diaper changing!
1. Doepy Dopey is possibly the best and most attentive Elf on the Shelf.
2. Lola didn't cry when she opened Baby Alive like how I cried and couldn't even look at Jessica (my first Cabbage Patch doll) when I got her for Christmas. I will mention that aside from any Christmas with Lola that year was my BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! Not only did I get my beloved Jessica, I also got my ghetto blaster AND the Thriller tape. I should do a post about that Christmas.
3. Eynav, Lola would be all about this request. After the training she gets with Baby Alive she is going to be ready to take care of real babies. I plan on getting her out there to babysit by the time she turns 5, no doubt about it! She needs to start paying her dues around here.
tell her to come over here - stella took one stinky poo poo and needs her diaper changed
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