Lola is so excited to have her old friend Brody here for a visit! This time he has a baby sister in tow which is a little different from the old days of Lola & Brody.
The kids are having a great time together. We just got back from our favorite local pub where Brody shoveled in a hot dog & applesauce in record time and Lola offered to share the last half of her hot dog. That was not a typing error. I repete, Lola shared her hot dog with Brody. Amazing work Lola.
Now were off to see some trains!

Its so nice to see Lola & Brody together again and his shirt is correct.
They are all so cute...
What is the new sister's name? They sure grow fast when you aren't looking.
Mya. She and Lydia were both born in January 2009.
Love the blog post! They kids had so much fun! Brody CRIED so hard when we got home and kept saying "I want to go to LOLA'S HOUSE!!" He cried for about 20 minutes or so about it. Thanks for everything! We loved spending time with you!
I Love it
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