... and not just because Lola is the flower girl!
Could the bride and her maids be any cuter, younger or skinnier? shesh!
As flower girl in Lindsey's upcoming wedding Lola has many responsibilities. Her duties started today when she attended her first ever wedding shower. First thing on that list of duties, being cute. Second, flirting with the groom and third, helping throw away the wrapping paper.
She did a great job and thank goodness for me, she was on her best behavior!
Great pictures and very cute girls...
I wish I could have been there...
Be careful driving back to OH!!
Thank you so much for coming, I had an absolute blast! Lola is too much fun. She is absolutely beautiful, I'm so excited for the wedding!
Beautiful Wedding party, can't wait for Lindsey's wedding day!
Whoa, does she have 8 bridesmaids?
I really like Lola's new dress and I can't wait for Lydia to borrow it!
8 bridesmaids and two flower girls...this is going to be a fun wedding...can't wait!
I failed to report in my post that this wedding shower was held in an aquatic themed restaurant. After sitting in the car for 20 minutes building up courage to go inside and face what was sure to be aquariums and aquatic themed decorations on the walls & suffering a MILD panic attack along with a few tears I made it to the table where I requested to sit with my back to 3 great white sharks that were hanging on the wall. Once I got hold of my surroundings I was ok but the work up was intense. Pam - thank you for your support on the phone and hostess... THANK YOU for your extra support!
Shout out to others that suffer from a phobia, only you understand.
Hi Em,
I didn't realize your fear was so bad. I guess you and Lola don't want to go to Sea World with us.
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