As Lola rounds the corner to THREE I'm noticing a few positive changes.
1. I can reason with her.
2. She is very eager to dress herself and put her shoes on.
3. Her artistic ability is shining through each day and she LOVES keeping busy drawing on her easel. A nice quiet activity so we can nap on the couch. Just Kidding! (kinda)
4. She is almost totally self sufficient in the bathroom although I prefer to double check the cleanliness.
And my favorite...
5. She is FINALLY out growing that terrible two thing she's had going on since she was 18 months old (with the occasional slip up). Ah!
However with age I am also noticing some new emotions. For instance, twice now the commercial to save the animals with that song by Sarah McLachlan has been on. I normally change the channel immediately because it's impossible for me to make it through the first 0.05 seconds of that commercial with out having an MAJOR emotional meltdown. Anyway, twice I have been out of the room when that commercial comes on and both times it has brought Lola to tears once asking me "Why are the kitties in jail Mommy?" OMG! PLEASE send money to save those animals so that all animals can be safe, happy & healthy!!!! Plus I need those commercials off the air.
There have also been a few instances when watching the Disney movie The Rescuers when the cute little girl cries because she is all alone. This also brings Lola to tears. I'm not sure where she gets this sensitivity issue from. I mean we're all so strong in my family, especially me.
Anyway, Lola is a perfect joy! It's amazing how this tiny baby has grown into a big girl and so fast. Slow down time!
I LOVE this baby girl!!!!
She is a love.
That dress looks so much cuter on her than on the hanger.
sweet little girl - i'm not sure where she gets the sensitivity from - ask aaron ;) - she looks so cute with her hair like that. kisses for everyone!
Umm, her hair needs to be COVERING her ears! Duh! Did you style her to look like Marcia, or did you realize it after you got her hair done?
It wasn`t until after I saw the photos that I thought she reminded me of Marcia, Marcia, Marcia
I Love it.
She is getting so big! I can't wait to see her again!
And well you should!
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