In an effort to cut back on the clutter of toys, which seem to take over a room in a matter of seconds, I have turned our front closet into a play space for Miss Lola.
This is also her space to proudly display her princess items such as the Disney Princess poster & Disney Princess couch, which happens to be nice for me since I don't necessarily want those particular items on display anywhere else in the house. There aren't a lot of things that are prettier than a character themed couch which also pulls out into a bed complete with a Princess sleeping bag. I should mention that this is Lola's new favorite place to take her afternoon naps as seen in the photo below.

She seems to love her new play space and enjoys entertaining her family & friends in what she calls her "Princess room" so if you're here visiting be prepared to spend some time on a nice comfy couch, if she lets you sit there. Most of the time she directs her guests to sit on the floor.