...on jammies ONLY!
Lola has discovered the Disney Princesses and she is hooked. At this point in time she wants to wear her princess jammies every night (3 in a row so far) and read her princess books. In the car she has been watching her Barbie Princess & the Pauper DVD and is constantly reminding me that "Barbie is a princess Mom"
We aren't really sure where she saw the Disney Princesses or what began this princess kick. Is this something most girls go through?
I can totally deal with the princess obsession. I like the books, movies & dolls and as long as the characters stay on jammies I'm fine with it. However I am preparing myself for the day I have to tell her no when she wants the Princess sweatshirt or the Hannah Montana t-shirt. arugh!
And in other important news:
I asked Lola tonight what her bitty baby's name is. She replied "Erica" and proceeded to feed Erica and put her to bed. Not sure if Lola has a friend at school named Erica. I will investigate.