Aside from dull pain on inhalation I felt good today. I took my ibuprofen 800 this morning so I'm sure that helped.
I had my follow up doctor appointment this morning. Since I was feeling good today he wants to give it a few days to see if the pain goes away. At about 6pm tonight the pain started up again so I took more ibuprofen and hydrocodone-acetaminophen. We'll see how the next couple of days go.
Thanks everyone for your calls & concerns and a special thank you to my Mother in Law who was so kind to come out to the house at midnight and sit around here until about 4am!
And thanks to the stand in shoulder model I found on google.
Oh No! I pinched a nerve in my shoulder/back while nursing Max. It was terrible! Moist heat worked really well...if you need our electric heating pad, let me know!
Thank goodness for Grandmas!!
Good thing Cindy was there for you all...
Hope you are feeling better every day Em.
Can't wait to see everyone 2 weeks from today!!
Hope you feel better soon! I ripped my shoulder too - carrying my 16 lb baby around in a car seat and lifting a 60 lb garage door each time I park. It is in such bad shape that I get a massage every 2 weeks on it. Get well soon! You never realize how much you use your shoulder until it's out of commission.
talk to amy - she's been suffering from shoulder pain, but it goes all the way down her arm and was constant for i think a year. talk to her though - her cure was visiting an orthopedic surgeon who gave her the cortizone shot or something - so far so good and surgery not needed...fingers crossed for you both!
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