Turning 2 seems to be the birthday that produces the best gifts ever! First a tricycle then an American Girl Doll and just last night Lola's Ooma & Aunt Jenny came over and presented her with a pink keyboard and a water/sand table.
2 year olds today have it made with all of this sweet loot!

Lola would like to thank everyone for the wonderful birthday gifts, phone calls and happy birthday wishes by entertaining you with the following number:
Rock on Lola! I loved the big finish when you held the Veeee. Bravo little lady! Bravo!
Holy Cow! What a talent!!! Great piano technique
that came from me...
WTH, Lola? When are you going on Idol anyway? That was QUITE a performance.
Oh my gosh!!! That is hysterical! Lola I am so proud of you... that would knock Simon Cowell out of his seat!
Give that child a little more cake....apparently she needs to continue that sugar high!! She is adorable.
I love it.
ABC i no my abc.weles on the bus go rond and rond i no the rond i no myweies on the bus.
She sings she dances and she knows her ABC's....she is amazing...
Lola, what can I say? You take the grump out of Grumpa.
I am cracking up! Scoot over Liberachi, there's a new piano player amongst us - full of flare! LOVE IT!
OMG forget about the top 3 finalists on American Idol....THAT is our next American Idol!!! as Simon would have put it in his pompous english tone "simply brilliant". Especially love these two parts of the keyboard show: when lola turns the keyboard and lifts it up on it's side from the one corner, nice artistic move! AND the long "Veeeeeeeee"! btw - save those monkey pj's for me please :)
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