Lola & Rowan decided to keep things low key this year for their second birthdays. They celebrated on Saturday with their closest friends, two bounce houses and some Doritos. It was a beautiful sunny day with no meltdowns to speak of.
Lola & Rowan have been through a lot together during their first two years. Some of their adventures together include but are not limited to the following:
*Seeing Spiderman at the movies when they were approximately 2 weeks old (this is the same time and place they held hands for the first time)
*Breakfast at the Blueberry Cafe
*Picking out pumpkins
*Halloween Kids Fest
*Sesame Street Live
*Many walks & trips to the park
*Two rounds of swim lessons
*Rupert's birthday party (where they had their first open mouth kiss)
*Unlimited trips to Faketown
*Unlimited play dates at each others houses
*School together every day
*Listening to their Mothers compare notes over the phone and the talking about us behind our backs at school
Now that Lola & Rowan are two I imagine it will be no time at all and the whining will subside, they will use the regular potty, make their own breakfast, make us breakfast, help around the house and clean up after themselves. They
are two.
These kids make quite a team.
We are so lucky & feel extremely grateful for our friendship with Jeff, Angela, Rowan & Lydia and look forward to many more years watching our perfect little kids grow together!

here for a gazillion photos from the birthday celebration and the weekend.