Well unfortunately what we hoped wouldn't happen happened last Friday, Aaron got laid off from work. His boss unsure of how long, hoping for only a month but with this economy who knows. We've spent the weekend figuring out our finances and where we go from here. Still undecided on how to handle everything we're taking it day by day. Step one was to lower unnecessary bills such as my cell phone. While I need a cell phone for emergencies and free nights & weekends I don't need it to get on the internet to check my Facebook account while I'm at work. I don't need it to send over 250 text messages a month and I don't need to be yacking away every time I get into the car. So by going down to the most basic family share plan we are saving 60 bucks a month. BUT that means I won't be talking, sending messages, photos & videos anymore. I will however be talking to other Verizon customers as often as I like since we have mobile to mobile which is very important as I need to speak to Julie & Jenny daily. Nights & weekends are still free, yippppeee.
Message to my parents: GET ON VERIZON or call me at home!
We've also found other bills to cut and so far creditors have been very understanding and are willing to cut down on rates to accommodate our current situation hoping that it is just temporary. Apparently we aren't the only people going through this right now...
We will take it day by day and in the long run we are sure everything will work out for the best. Despite this little set back we have a lot to be thankful for. We are a healthy family and we have each other!