Last weekend Lola and Vince headed down to the Cincinnati Children's Museum where they had a fun filled time! They both agreed that the sand box, ball room and water table were the best places to be. The area that educated the kids about children from other countries wasn't fun at all. They blew through that area and headed back to the ball room. After hanging out at the museum we went back to Vince's house so he could push Lola around the yard in his Jeep.
Lola would like to thank Vince for taking her to the museum and I would like to thank Vince's Daddy for carrying Lola all over the place for me!
Photos here!
Looks like a perfect way to spend a day with friends.
Hi Jenny!!
I haven't seen Vince since he was a baby, he's darling...
maybe I'll get to see you all on my next trip to OH
Vince really knows how to treat "the ladies!" He was holding her hand, pushing her in the Jeep, and thinking about sharing his books with her during the trip down- although he wasn't crazy about that idea!! He did share his dad with her for the day though!
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