We had the day off of work today due to this crazy snow, ice, snow storm that came through. Being that there were over 500 closings on the news at the crack of dawn today I figured that our vets office would be closed, today is the day Gabbi gets
fixed and declawed. I called at 7:45 just to check in and sure enough they were open for business. Luckily the vets office is only down the hill less than 1/2 a mile from the house. It took me about 25 minutes to scrape the ice off of my car. Gabbi and I had a safe trip down the hill and since I was down there I figured I would stop by the supermarket to pick up a few things, including a balloon for Lola. Getting up the hill wasn't as easy. I eventually made it and thank goodness I was able to deliver the balloon to Lola, that's when I instantly became the greatest Mommy ever. You see, it's not the pink retro kitchen or the little people play house or even cash that impresses Lola, it's a frickin sweet mylar balloon! I gave her this balloon at 9am and I am NOT kidding when I tell you that she hasn't put it down except to nap and go outside. Should I be concerned that my daughter wants a mylar balloon as her best friend? Maybe. I guess if we have a funeral and shed some tears when it deflates then I'll worry.
After nap time we went outside for some fun in the snow and then back inside for a hot chocolate party, we are so glad that the balloon was able to join us for that.

I hope Lolas love of balloons lasts awhile....picking out gifts for her will be so easy...
Its a beautiful sunny day, in the 70's, here in Florida
We wish you were here..
I can't believe she can say hot chocolate! So advanced! I hope Rowan is taking notes when he goes to school...
Jealousssss. The only time school would maybe, maybe, be canceled for us is for a hurricane. Good times in the south!
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