I was rushing around trying to get ready for work this morning when I received a text message from Jeff "I guess the base is closed again today" YIPPEEE another snow day! How lucky for us but how extra lucky for Rowan to be able to spend his last day as an only child with a snow day! Tomorrow is a big day for the other Brown family as they are due at the hospital in the early morning for Rowan's sisters arrival. How exciting! I tried to tell Lola that there was a baby in Mrs. Brown's belly today when they came over for a visit but all she really cared about was her balloon. What I should have said was "Lola, Mrs. Brown has a balloon in her belly and inside that balloon is a baby!"
Good Luck tomorrow Brown family, we can't wait to meet Rowan's sister!
It seems to me that Lola is doing everything one handed now. Her left hand is busy holding that balloon. What is going to happen when the helium looses its umph.
That is SO funny - a balloon in my belly.
Thanks for having us over!
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