Friday, December 26, 2008

Lola and Mommy fly the friendly skies

Lola had her first flights today and thank goodness for me (and everyone else on the plane) she was excellent!!!
On our first flight we sat next to a college student who was so nice & helpful. She even held Lola for a few minutes. Our layover in Atlanta was a little hectic. Lola was super tired but wanted to run around so I was chasing her all over the terminal. Where ever Lola went I was right there beside her pushing the stroller. She fell asleep on our second flight, woke up a little crabby and had a minor meltdown that didn't last long. Since gigi has sweet hookups at the airport she was able to greet Lola and I right when we got off the plane.
Yay, we're here safe & sound!

We miss you already you!


Katie said...

Where are you on vacation??

The Daily Squink said...

Good job, Lola. Have fun in Florida!