3 ER visits in 17 months
I got a call at work this morning and on the other end of the phone was Terry at the day care center calling to tell me that Lola fell, hit her head and threw up. WHAT! I rushed out the door to the day care center. Unfortunately I had to drive 25 mph because if I get another ticket on base I won't be able to
drive on base. It took me 3 very long minutes to get there. Thank goodness Becky (Lola's old teacher and our emergency contact) was in Lola's room holding her. The day care director, Brenda, greeted me at the door (I was already a wreck but it got worse when I saw her) she told me that Lola was doing ok but since she threw up they were advising me to get her to the ER. She didn't hesitate to send Becky with us. In the meantime Joe had followed me to the day care center to make sure we were ok (even thought he doesn't look like Bruce Willis I think I found my new BFF) How nice was that?!
To make a long story short Lola is fine and acting normal. We have to monitor her behavior for 24 hours and wake her up in the middle of the night.
Oh Lola! That girl needs to settle down!
The above photo shows Becky snuggling Lola at the hospital.
Poor Lola! I'm glad she's ok though. She sounds just like my daughter Sammy. Fearless and adventurous. About the throwing up...when I hurt myself, I always feel like I'm going to throw up. Someone told me the pain and throwing up senses or nerves or whatever are very close so a lot of people feel like the are going to throw up or do throw up if they get hurt. So maybe that is what happened to Lola. And her being so young, she couldn't control it. So there is my reasoning on the throwing up. :)
OH! I went through that with Tucker when he was 3 - the daycare had to call the squad because he couldn't see and was dizzy! SO FRIGHTENING! And I was 45 minutes away!! Thank goodness Daddy could get there quickly.
I am SOOOOOO glad that Lola is doing okay. Give her kisses from Aunt Holli and Teagan!
Glad you found a new BFF so soon! Go Joe! Apparently all the good sensitive funny guys work in RZT! We surely don't have any in OE!
Wow! Poor Lola! I should have been there to comfort her until you got done driving like a turtle across the base! I could have ran over in 1 minute flat (IF I still worked there!). Boo Hoo!
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