Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lola has "connections"

Awesome connection #1 - ROWAN
Rowan hooks Lola up with tickets to the Dragons game where they meet up with
Awesome connection #2 - BRODY
who hooks them up with a behind the scenes tour!

And what was their favorite part of the day? Taking over the hallway outside of the press box and running around like a bunch of Loons! (not to be confused with the Great Lakes Loons)

The staff at LOLApalooza sends a big shout out to Rowan & family and Brody & family, thanks for a super fun day!



Marmie said...

I love Lola's pink tennies!

Rowan's Marmie

The Daily Squink said...

We had a great time, Lola and Brody. I'm glad you could share it with us!