Along with a ton of old people Lola thinks Florida is the greatest! She has so much fun in the pool! She swims for 15 minutes and sleeps for 2.5 hours. Ian and Ethan are also having fun spending quality cousin time together. They just get back from a night swim. We let them go to the pool alone at night since all the olds are in bed. Just kidding... Aaron went with them. They spend the majority of the time playing Star Wars guys or Army guys. Last night they slept at Pam's and tonight they are staying at Peggy's.

Our road trip went so well. Lola fell asleep at 7pm and woke up at 6:45am. She would wake up when we would stop for gas but had no trouble falling back to sleep. After breakfast in the car she took her morning nap. We arrived at Peggy & Chuck's at noon and Ian immediately went to the pool!
Have fun, use sun block, be careful
Celia and I are sitting here in cold, rainy Richmond wishing we were there with you! Give 'E' kisses for us!
i'm jealous - it's rainy here, but supposed to be 60 today - i'm hoping for sun sometime soon - looks like everyone is having fun - so glad the trip down went well - LOVE!! ooma
Oh, that Lola! She is just too good to be true. WHY won't she rub off on Rowan? Maybe they need to spend more time together...
Have fun on your vacation!
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