Then she comes home, continues to go potty and had the nerve to get doo doo all over Brody's onesie! At this point we stripped her down and gave her a bath. Where does all the doodie come from?
Oh wait... maybe it was that shrimp chimichanga from El Toro? ha ha, just kidding!
And to top it off her pig tails fell out!
What a train wreck!
yeah, if you want your daughter to despise you one day...just purchase that quarter page ad in her high school year book that says "congratulations on graduation Lola, we love you so much!!! xoxo mom & dad" and put THIS picture in your personal ad to her. - jen
Even after the day Lola had, she is still the cutest baby girl ever....
Love, GiGi
She clearly has been watching too much E! Channel coverage of Britney...
She looks pretty darn cute to me! Although I can't smell her, so maybe that detracts from her overall look...
Nope you're wrong - she's still perfect! Look at that face - it's the cutest thing I've ever seen!
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