Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Who will Lola play Barbies with?

We would like to congratulate the staff at the Beck’s Files who found out the gender of their baby today… it’s a boy! Congratulations Joe and Melissa! This is such an exciting time!

This now leads me to the following question… where are all the baby girls? I’ve organized a chart of babies I know that were born in 2007 as well as babies that are due in 2008. (this does not include Nicole Ritchie or Christina Aguilera because I do not know them)

As you can see the amount of boys far exceeds the amount of girls I know! My sister in law is waiting to find out the gender of their baby on its birthday in March. I’m convinced she’s having a boy. The only other hope we have is that Debbie (who is carrying twins) will have a girl, come on, there are two in there and one has got to be a girl!!!

I’m not complaining, I’m happy for Lola because one day she will be able to choose from a variety of potential suitors but until then who will she play Barbies with? (besides me)

And since no post is complete without a photo of Lola here she is enjoying her zwieback toast!


Anonymous said...

there's always little abbie - her cousin to be - ;) LOVE!

Julie said...

Ummm .... hello???!!!! What are Primas for???

Unknown said...


Of course she always has her BFF/Prima but for this posting I was thinking locally

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog! Anything other than a boy would result in being cast from my office forever. - Joe