Two milestones!
My BFF at work Ryan and his wife Katie have been offering to baby-sit Lola since she was born. Actually now that I think of it, Ryan offered to baby-sit back when he found out I was pregnant! Rowan tested the water first, Ryan and Katie successfully babysat him about a month ago. We decided to take them up on their nice offer. They are a perfect couple to have in Lola's baby book as her first non-family sitters! It's not like we want a photo of an ugly couple in the baby book!
The setting was perfect, we arrived and Katie was watching Britney's Worst Week Ever... Lola is very familiar with tabloid television shows featuring the ever popular train wreck that is Britney Spears! Unfortunately last night this did not impress Lola. Katie was very excited to hold our sweet princess and I was excited for Katie & Ryan to experience an evening of baby perfection! This is not how Lola wanted it! She took one look around the unfamiliar surroundings and FREAKED! Our perfect princess had her first meltdown! Knowing how wonderful Katie is with babies Aaron and I said "see ya later sucker, it’s our anniversary, we're out of here!" Kidding of course. I worried, not for Lola but for Ryan and Katie, I didn't want their evening with our baby to suck!
Aaron and I spent our anniversary dinner at the very romantic Longhorn where he shoveled in a steak and I consumed half a rack of baby back ribs in less than 10 minutes. We then reflected on the past 3 years of wedded bliss, NOT! We spent the entire time trying to figure out why Lola had a meltdown. We concluded that a few things were at hand:
1. She didn't have a nap after school
2. She was in a different environment
3. This was not our regular routine and she knew something was up (smart girl!)
4. Britney Spears lost custody of Sean & Jayden
The debit card was in hand when the waitress brought us our bill! We were back to Lola in just over an hour where we found her sound asleep cuddling with Katie!
Thank you guys! You're the best!
In other news Lola is still working very hard to master the skill of eating baby cereal and looks very cute doing so!
Oh my gosh!!! That picture is priceless!!!
Man, Ryan looks really strong in that picture...
Cute pictures all around!
Katie, are you going to offer to baby sit when I have a baby? J/k If only we still lived in Dayton. I miss that place (and everyone there)!
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