Sure, these little girls are pretty cute but let's not forget about their Mothers. Jenny & I were something special back when we were young too.
For instance this is pretty cute....

or this one...

or this one for the Christmas cards...

That's right. Who is cuter now? I'll look forward to your comments.
posted by Emilee
I imagine this is what Lindsay Lohan's scrapbook looks like. Wait, now I feel bad. Stay strong, Lindsay! Haha.
yoiks!!! i have to admit the LITTLE girls are adorable - and i'm going to pray that they never end up like the BIG girls - you guys were having too much fun ;)
thank God I never took pictures of myself like that:)
I am proud to say that Jenny & I were masters at staging drunk photos! I must have 50+ photos of us as staged drunks. We had you fooled for sure.
I Love it
Staged drunk, huh? Somehow I just dont buy it. Next time you're over have me show you some of my, ahem, staged shots as well. Will NOT scan and post. Anywhere. Ever.
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