I apologize to our regular followers for my lack of blogging however due to the ease and convenience of Facebook as well as the beautiful weather my blogging has dwindled down to one post a week if that. Please accept my apology. To make things better I've posted the below super cute photo of Bruce and a video. Enjoy the video and after that go outside.
Great video ... Aaron is a really good swinger. Did Lola have her hair crimped? Are you trying out different styles for the upcoming wedding? Let me know so Celia can be ready!
prima love. I put braids in her hair after bath however I think going with crimped hair for the wedding is a great idea Lindsey is sure to appreciate! Let`s put makeup on the girls too!
Celia applied hot pink lipstick yesterday when I wasn't looking (I know, you're shocked). It looked great ... I think it would match the dresses perfectly!
Whose hot pink lip stick? I don't think I've ever seen you wear that shade, Julie? Did Mimi leave it behind? Em, I am one who does not appreciate waiting a full week for new posts!!! Emma and I get impatient watching the same ones over and over!
I agree with Maureen.
I Love it
I Love it
I Love it
WOW! Emma really loves this post!
i really wasn't sure what to expect with the coomment of your post here...(had emilee turned lola's blog into a triple XXX one!)
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