Lola started out 2010 on the right foot by visiting her Great Grandmothers (and one Great Grandpa) in Illinois. Luckily they all live fairly close to each other so the tour didn't take us across the entire state.
First stop, Morris IL where Lola got to visit Grandma Betty (Joni's Mom) who supplied Lola with her fancy Happy New Year hat. Lola was pleased to see that Grandma Betty had a mini refrigerator where she could load and unload the water bottles. Repeatedly.
Next stop Ottawa where we saw Grandma Joyce & Grandpa Dale (Gigi's parents). Lola is very comfortable running the show there. Her favorite thing is running from room to room slamming all doors behind her. Something I'm sure sounds like heaven to Grandpa's ears and doesn't make him at all nervous.
Last stop to see Grandma Kasik (Grumpa's Mom). Grandma was in Ottawa that day visiting my cousin Steve which worked out great because we got to see his girls and found out they are expecting baby #3! Congratulations Steve, Becky, Lily & Maddy!
A few more photos of our day here.

I'm cracking up! Now if only Lola had stood in front of the fridge with the door open, Grandpa would have really been happy! He loved when we let all of the cold air out.
very sweet
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