First she fed the fish in the pond. They really like bread crumbs. Who knew?
Second she twirled like a princess on the porch.
Third she showed Fan her farm animals and last she took out all of her medical equipment (Erica's doctors kit) and gave Fan a physical. Lucky for Fan she passed the health exam and didn't need a shot or a follow up appointment. Congrats Fan!
It was great seeing you all! Unfortunately I don't have a photo of Lola & Hal since Lola decided to keep her distance. Hal was lucky he scored a high five on our way out the door.
Poor Hal.

Lola wants to thank Fan and Becky for the pound cake...we even saved a little for Ian, he thanks you too.
we had such a good time with miss lola, her mom and gigi. time was TOO short though.
Becky and Fan
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