A couple of weeks ago Lola announced that her bitty baby had a name, Erica. We were curious as to where this came from since we don't know any Erica's aside from Erica Kane and Lola doesn't know her. Maybe there's a girl at school named Erica? I asked around and found out that wasn't the case. I was sitting at home one afternoon thinking about this and pretty much coming to the conclusion that we
must have a house ghost named Erica and she is haunting my daughter... then the phone rang and on the other end, just like Nancy Drew, I hear Angela's voice "Emilee, I know where Erica came from"
Erica is a dancer on the Summer episode of Yo Gabba Gabba!
We (Aaron, Ian, Lola and I) went to the TV, turned on the trusty DVR and launched the Summer episode. Sure enough there she was, "My name is Erica and I like to dance!" Lola gave a big smile and said "Erica!"