1. Repeatedly telling me that she has to go “potty” even after she just went
2. Asking for milk
3. Freaking out when story time is done
She will cry when we lay her down in her bed and say “Mommy (or Daddy) come back”. In the last week I’ve had to go up to her room 5 out of the 7 nights to hold her for another minute and give her more goodnight kisses. After that she normally falls asleep.
Lola has ever only had her pacifier in her crib or in the car. There have been a few occasions where it has come in handy while out & about. I’ve been anti the pacifier since I saw a kid (probably at Wal-Mart) walking AND taking his pacifier out of his mouth to talk to his Mom. At that point I said “NO WAY will my child EVER have a pacifier” Again, after actually having a child I’ve eaten my words however I was pretty adamant about keeping Lola’s pacifier from public view. Just me and my anal ways. I by no means judge a parent that chooses to let their kid have a pacifier until they are 4 BUT if your kid is barefoot walking around at the license bureau or the Wal-Mart store with a paci in his mouth I will probably whisper something to Aaron about lazy parenting.
Below is a rare photo of Lola with a pacifier in her mouth, you might not see the pacifier because it’s clear, my way of making it seem invisible. We were on vacation in Vermont. All of these stuffed animals filled a hill from the roadside.

Oh my word--that stuffed animal picture is hilarious! Or adorable; I guess that adjective works too. What a great shot!
Thank you Braden!
Jenny and Justin's wedding in VT...
It was so much fun and Lola was a very good girl.
Good for Lola. Just like moving Rowan to a big boy bed - for once, something was EASIER than we had feared! We won't be taking Rowan's pa's away anytime soon. With the new bed and soon-to-be-moving upheavals, I suppose we should leave him one thing that will soothe him. Well, that and his blankets.
BTW, WHEN are you going to update your profile photo? How old IS that thing!
Was it taken at a prom or something??
That photo was taken at my cousin Steven's wedding in the summer of 2004 NOT my high school prom (1992), I had bleach blond permed hair back then Mom. Come on, you know that!
Wait, maybe Steven was married the summer of 2005. I can't remember. Regardless it's a few years old so I'll change it.
you should be flattered, I think you look so young in that picture
Angela's "fafa" and Adam's "baca" were not allowed to leave the bed, much less the bedroom. That's how I kept the pacifiers out of public view.
Great job Lola - like Rowan, Brody will be keeping his for a few more months until the teething and drooling stops. Without his binki, he chews his fingers raw and drools all over his shirt. When the teeth are in, the Paci is going in the mailbox to send to a baby who needs it, then the binki fairy will put a treat in the mailbox the next day for him to get (Supper Nanny's idea). Lola must not have any teething troubles. Good job Lola!
Congrats Lola - you are such a big girl. I only give the paci to Teagan when rocking her to sleep - when I lay her down it comes out. She will not have it after her 1st birthday. And Em... you may want to watch the Nanny to learn the bedtime routine...
(coming from me who's kid STILL doesn't sleep through the night) haha
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