On our walk after dinner Lola put her hands in her sweatshirt pockets just like Daddy and within a minute she fell face first on the sidewalk, hands still in her pockets so she wasn't able to catch herself. She was bleeding from her mouth and wrist. Poor Lola. By the time we got home her top lip was swollen. We went inside for a popsicle which indeed made her feel much better. Not only was this a terrible experience for Lola but it was for me as well. Being a mother it is AWFUL to see your baby hurting. And the thing is, we were both right there. You can be right next to your kid thinking you are protecting them and they still get hurt! Is it dysfunctional if we stay inside the house for the next 30 years?
I know I've pumped up the ABC thing lately. I'm not posting this video to show off her ABC skills (which are pretty cute) I'm posting it because it really shows her swollen lip. Our poor little perfect (aside from the fat lip) girl...
No one has ever done the ABC song better, or cuter, than Lola
To bad about the lip, poor baby.
I've never seen a swollen lip look so cute.
I hope this isn't a sign of many boo boos to come:)
She is so good at her ABCs! Go Lola!
PS. Is that Brittany Murphy in that picture?! What in the world??
PS. Ryan said that when he was younger, he did the same thing as Lola! His face was all scratched up!
Didn't your doctor tell you that Lola should be wearing a helmet with facemask at all times?
Oh my goodness! That is the cutest video ever! I can't believe she knows her ABC's! What's next? Her diploma from college!? Wow! And her poor lip! She's still the cutest ever!
I know how you feel. Ask Angela about the stitches over her eye and she was younger then Lola. I still feel bad about it.
first, horrible horrible lip job on brittany murphy - sick!
second, lola's busted lip of course cute!
third - her abc's, still precious everytime! what a smart girl you guys have :)
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