A basement dedicated to small figures (most of them hand painted by Brody's Grandpa) all precisely set up in their appropriate scenes. I was amazed! I told Jackie to hang on so I could run upstairs and get my camera, this is for sure worthy of it's very own blog post. These photos don't even come close to doing it justice, make sure to click on the photos to make them bigger, then take it all in.
Totally awesome and if I was his daughter I would have been in that basement all the time playing with the circus! Don't tell but I secretly moved one army guy a centimeter to the left.. wonder if he will notice. sssshhhh....
Thanks to Brody's Grandma & Grandpa for the nice visit & lunch!
I've actually seen something like this before. A friend of Julie's has a basement full of miniature fantasy/sci-fi figures and a huge table with different vignettes set up. I wonder what it is about collecting these little figurines that it takes over their entire basements? You wouldn't think something so small would take up so much space!
Great pictures of my dad's basement! What an honor for him to be featured on the famous LOLApalooza.... It was so great to have you guys over! We miss you!
Jackie and Brody
Very neat hobby....Chuck is asking questions about it...I'm worried, we don't have a basement!!
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