We're pretty sure Celia is part rodent as she prefers to store food in her mouth to either eat it later or spit it out when we least expect it. About 20 minutes after lunch yesterday I noticed that her cheeks looked full. I said "Celia what do you have in your mouth?" She opened her mouth and it was clear she had chewed up carrots in there. I told her mother who replied "yeah, she does that all the time!"
This morning she was storing her waffles. I asked her to show me what she had and at that point I captured this image....

I hope this is one habit Lola doesn't pick up on.
Sweet picture of Celia!
Too bad she has a mouth full of food!!!!!
Send more pictures!!
Love to you all!
Mom said that my other brother Adam used to do this all the time. I can't think of anything less appetizing.
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