Lola would like to thank Rowan's Grammie Donna for making her what we call
the cutest sweater EVER! Rowan was very nice to bring this hand knit sweater to Lola on Tuesday when they met at Faketown for dinner & fun fountains. Lola was super excited to try it on and I have to say that it looks fabulous on her! It's going to fit perfectly this fall and will keep her nice and warm. We know how hard Grammie Donna worked on this sweater but what we can't figure out is how she found the time what with Jeff making her take care of the baby, do the dishes, clean the house, do the laundry, mow the lawn, brush Lily, change the oil in the car, re-roof the house and put new blacktop on the driveway.
THANK YOU Donna, we love this perfect sweater!!! And to Rowan, thanks for sharing your awesome Grammie with Lola!
That color goes perfectly in Lola's crazy pink room. Good job, Donna!
Lola's new sweater is looks so cute on her.
You did a beautiful job Grammie Donna.
That Is a beautiful sweater. I told Joni we should have panted that crib PINK.
i love itand i love how much she enjoys her new room, shes all over the place.. good job mommy
That is just so cool to see the sweater on Lola! She does look adorable, but I think it is the kid, not necessarily the sweater. I am now starting a new sweater, and it is teeny teeny . . . Thanks for the nice words.
If my Mom is making something teeny teeny, what color is she making it?
Also, the next sweater she knits for Lola is going to be black with skulls on it.
There is a pattern for a skull sweater in my stitch n bitch book. I should loan the book to Grammie Donna next time she's here. I think Lola & Rowan want matching skull sweaters!
Send it my way . . . I will try anything . . . ;-)
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