It didn't take too long for Ian and Aaron to get involved in what else but video games. Ryan has Rock Band, this is the extended version of Guitar Hero which Ian has mastered. The boys pretty much played Rock Band the entire time aside from taking a quick break to go outside and toss around the football and another break to eat a burger.
Angela was quick to point out that in the most recent edition of Parenting magazine there was an article that stated the BEST thing a parent can do for their child is to buy them video games. If this is true then my husband wins Father of the Decade and will continue to win this award, there isn't another Dad out there that stands a chance! Seriously. I do get Parenting magazine and I plan on reading this article since I need to be educated on why buying video games for your child is the BEST thing you can do. What happened to reading books?
Lola looking pretty cute and fashionable dancing at the cookout/concert.
Lola and Rowan had some fun dancing at the concert and like at any real Black Sabbath concert there's normally chaos follwed by some crying.
For more photos from the cookout and other July stuff click here.
Also, be sure to check out these photos from Jeff & Angela's 5th of July party.
i love love love that yellow number she has on!!!! great job dancing Lola Ill see you soon
Great pictures from a great time...and Lola you should consider entering a drinking contest, I would put all my money on you no are a drinking champ!
There are baby drinking contests? Do they do those at the Greene?
Cute kids!!!
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