Total insanity!
Thank goodness I had my camera phone!
The babies were in fire evacuation cribs and crammed in a little hallway. Most were crying. I imagine one kid starts crying (Brody) and it forms a chain reaction. Lola was an absolute basket case which is rare for her. Once back in her classroom she calmed down.
P.S. Just kidding Brody.
Lola, I wasn't crying about the tornado drill, I was crying b/c my mom wasn't there like yours was. My mom was stuck in the basement of her building during her own tornado drill. I missed her and really wanted her to hold me.
Let me clarify to all Lolapalooza readers that this is a joke, Brody was actually the only one NOT crying! But that's because he just ate. It's a different story when Brody is waiting to be served.... watch the heck out!
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